Frequently asked questions

Q: How do I place an order?
A: Please follow the steps below to place an order:
1. Add products to cart
- Search for the desired product
- Click on the product image
- Indicate the desired amount
- Click add to cart
- Select:
- "Continue shopping" (add as many items to your shopping cart as you like) or
- "Checkout"
- If you selected "Continue shopping", follow the steps above and once you have added all the desired products:
- Click on the shopping cart that appears at the top right (this indicates the total number of items in the cart).
- Click on "View cart" (if you want to see the selected items)
- Select "Checkout"
- Provide the delivery information of your order
- Select payment method
- Click the button to accept the Terms and Conditions
Once your order is processed, you will receive the purchase receipt through your email.
Q: What payment methods can I use to place my order?
A: You can use any of the following payment methods, whichever you prefer.
- ATH Móvil
- Credit card: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover
- Apple Pay and Google Pay
- PayPal
Q: How much is the cost for shipping?
A: Shipping cost is calculated based on the weight of the items in your order and the shipping destination. The shipping cost will be calculated on the "Shopping Cart" page, once you have entered the recipient's state and zip code, before finalizing the purchase.
Q: Why is my card declined when I try to place an order?
A: Credit card financial institutions have different methods to validate the information provided. The authorization or deauthorization of any payment depends on this validation. One of the main reasons for non-authorization is because the information provided does not match what is on file on your credit card. Verify that the name and billing address provided is the same as the one on file on your credit card. If your shipping address is different from the billing address, please click <My billing address is different from the shipping address> and provide the required information.
Other common issues include wrong credit card security code (CVC) entry or insufficient funds.
Q: Do you offer store pickup?
A: and and its subsidiaries are a Marketplace made up of different independent partners. Each associate determines if they have pickup at their particular store. Once the associate establishes this feature in our system, it will appear available when you select the shipping method.
If you buy several products from different partners in a single order, it is advisable to receive them at the delivery location of your choice.
Q: What shipping service do you use?
A: We use the "United States Postal Service" (USPS) for all shipments (Puerto Rico and the United States). Before completing your purchase, you will be asked to choose a shipping method. The system will calculate the shipping cost according to the rates established by USPS.
USPS can deliver your order right to your door.
Q: I never received my order, what do I do?
A: Please check the status of your order on the "My Account" page. Order processing usually takes 1-3 business days. If the status indicates that it has already been sent and several days have passed, please Contact us and we will gladly assist you.
Please note that USPS takes 3-4 business days for delivery.
Q: Can I ship an order to someone else?
A: Yes! During the purchase process, in the "Deliver to" and "Customer" boxes on the "Checkout" page, provide the information of the person to whom you want to send the order.
You need to select "My billing address is different from my shipping address" and provide the information of the person who will make the payment. This would prevent the payment from being declined.
Q: What do I do if I receive a damaged product?
A: If you receive a damaged product, please contact the seller of the product. You can contact them through our messaging system, or you can contact them through the means of communication they posted on their online store. We recommend that you include the order number, a brief description of your claim, and photos of the damaged items.